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Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia


Nataša Gregorič Nabhas, MFA (Master of Fine Arts) graduated in 2007 at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia / Academy of Fine Arts of Venice - Pictorialism through the Polaroid by prof. Guido Cecere. Children's book illustrator - 35 books in Slovenian language, book cover at Lulu Inc. USA, Izdavačka kuća ALMA Serbia, (concept, illustration, story) the Art, Pedagogy and Cultural education Book for Children at Museum of Nova Gorica, Slovenia (Goriški muzej). Member of The Slovenian IBBY and The Associations of Slovene Fine Artists Societies and Illustrator section – DLUSP (North Primorska). Member also of the ONA VE / She knows the association of Slovenian female experts and the promotion of knowledge and also of the international association WATWA (Where are the Woman Artist). Lately she has been devoting herself to painting. Exhibits in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, USA, Spain, … (Venice, Bergamo, Trieste, Miami, Zurich, Milan, Fuerteventura, ...) She received "International Caravaggio Prize - Great Master of the Art" 2022 for the Artists that are worth for their artistic merit. She is one of The GOLD LIST Special Edition #7 Art Market Magazine - Featuring Top Contemporary Artists of Today 2022. The Second Prize (silver diploma) at the International Art Contest "Dali's Mustache" 2022. In February 2023, she was selected to the PRIVATE MUSEUM NFT - ROUCHE GROUP, the first curated gallery for traditional NFT art supported by actual physical works. From May 12, 2023, she is a lifetime member of the U.N.O.T.A. United Nations Arts & Sciences and the Consell Internacional des Arts (CIA), where the art and the name Nataša Gregorič Nabhas are protected under the registration number of the U.N.O.T.A. 70 090.


I developed the spontaneous technique exclusively by researching the nuanced interaction of different shades - communicating with matter - and mixing ink with other media. The technique effectively portrays my impressions that interact with the viewer's own interpretation. Unconsciously, I have a dialogue with Monet, Leonardo, Joan Mitchell, I see things that others cannot see - pareidolia. I love this human ability to see recognizable familiar shapes in random objects, people, animals or other figures that don't actually exist (but are in a parallel world). The granular structure (grainy) - points - dots - drops - bubbles - in each is the boundless energy of love for nature, people and animals. Impression or reality, just before the quantum collapse occurs, when the image is still sharp and the universal eternity becomes concrete. The latest works were created in silence or emptiness, which is as important to music as whiteness on paper or canvas. White is an active element, figuratively in the entire pictorial space with the interaction of my shower watercolors on YUPO paper, which is then used as a collage, raw white impasto (strokes, white traces) acrylic and epoxy resin on aluminum panel.
IG: @natasagregoric

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